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Vista Print: Free Mommy Cards, Invitations, Photo Flip Books & More!

>> Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I love Vista Print. They always have so many free things available (you only pay for shipping) and the quality of everything I have ever ordered is great! One of my favorite things (using the Business Card offer below) is making Mommy Contact Cards. These are perfect for arranging playdates! Right now, they are celebrating Back to School with the following free offers:

  • Free Photo Flip Books - these would be great vacation keepsakes! 
  • Free T-Shirts
  • Free Wall Calendars
  • Free Business Cards (can make the Mommy Cards I mentioned above)
  • Free Folded Invitations - great for birthdays! 
  • Free Mugs
  • Free Postcards
  • Free Banners - great for parties! 
  • Free Photo Magnets
  • Free Stamps


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